Movie Podcast Weekly Ep. 031: Pain & Gain (2013) and The Place Beyond the Pines (2013)

Here we have an EPIC episode! For Episode 031 of Movie Podcast Weekly, we’re reviewing Michael Bay’s “Pain & Gain” and “The Place Beyond the Pines.” And perhaps in honor of Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson starring in 500 movies this summer (including “Pain & Gain”), we also review three, pro wrestling-related films with the help of two wrestling experts!

In this corner, weighing in at 185 lbs, hailing from Washington, D.C. — he is a host on the Terror Troop horror movie podcast and a tremendous voice talent — we welcome NASTY WILLIS WHEELER!

And in this corner, weighing in at 170 lbs., and hailing from Nashville, Tennessee — he has been writing about professional wrestling since 1968 and has edited, written and published more than 100 books on the subject of pro wrestling. He is the owner of Crowbar Press and a loyal supporter of Movie Podcast Weekly — welcome SCOTT “THE TITAN” TEAL! Continue reading

Determining a Film’s Year of Release

by Jason Pyles

Here is a topic that relatively few people will care about, but like my post on my rating system, I believe it has to be addressed.

I’m sure there’s an official standard for determining a film’s year of release. I just don’t know what that authoritative standard would be — and even if I knew it — I would probably disagree with it.

The Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences has its criteria for qualifying a film’s year of release. And it appears as though the Internet Movie Database goes with the film’s first U.S. screening (for U.S. films), where the date of its festival debut determines the year. And if not a festival debut, then perhaps a limited release. And if not a limited or widespread release, then the direct-to-video release date. Whatever. Continue reading

What My Ratings Really Mean

I know rating systems are dumb. But they’re an attempt to quantify some sort of standard of comparison by measuring a critic’s opinions with a sliding scale.

Perhaps every critic feels this way, but I am honestly proud of the way my film rating scores relate to one another. Naturally, I think my ratings are “accurate” in relation to one another and according to my own tastes, but I am not foolish enough to believe that something so subjective as my opinionated value judgment of a film’s quality has any universal relevance or application for anyone. And yet, here I am, taking my ratings and myself way too seriously…

So, that brings me back to acknowledging again that rating systems are dumb. But I don’t care. Here’s what mine means: Continue reading

Movie Podcast Weekly Ep. 030: Oblivion (2013)

For this week’s episode we review a great new sci-fi flick called “Oblivion” that we all think you should check out at the movie theater (in IMAX, if possible). In addition to the usual suspects: Jason, Andy, Karl and Josh, we are please to have special guest VANCE KING, who is a knowledgeable movie-lover and a listener of the Considering the Sequels Podcast and Movie Podcast Weekly.

Thanks to Andy’s Absurd Associations, this episode also features a fun, spin-off conversation about Netflix: Why We Love It and Hate It. We also want to give a quick shout-out and a thank you to our supportive friends, Chrisexcess and KZ-justin, who wrote a nice feedback e-mail and left us a review in iTunes. Thank you both!

And of course we have a spirited round of Mini Reviews and some good recommendations for you. Give us a listen and subscribe in iTunes! Continue reading

Movie Podcast Weekly Ep. 029: Trance (2013) and Summer Blockbuster Preview 2013

Beware… your hosts of Movie Podcast Weekly are particularly feisty during Episode 029, especially Jason who rants throughout the show. We attack several movies and even individuals (we’re ashamed to report), including our co-host, Joshua Ligairi. But perhaps all the extra energy can be attributed to our Summer Blockbuster Preview! So, we review Danny Boyle’s “Trance” and then discuss what you can look forward to at the theater this summer. (If we offend anyone during this podcast, please send all angry e-mails to Andy.) Thanks for listening! Continue reading