Movie Podcast Weekly Ep. 026: Olympus Has Fallen (2013)

For this lively and rambunctious Episode 026, your hosts Andy, Karl and Jason review Olympus Has Fallen, and they pick on their other, absent co-host, Josh, quite a bit, as well. This episode also features some Mini Reviews and our famous recommendation segments. Thanks for listening!

I. Intro
II. Mini Reviews
Andy: House of Cards, Friends With Benefits (2011), Troll Hunter (2010), The Barrens, Argo, The Raid: Redemption
Karl: The Call, Emporer
Jason: (Movie Stream, Animal Kingdom, Amber Alert

Our RT’s Tomatometer Predictions for AFTER EARTH:
Karl = 37
Andy = 63
Jason = 54

III. Feature review of OLYMPUS HAS FALLEN
Ratings and Recommendations:
Karl = 7 ( Theater / Buy it! )
Andy = 6.5 ( Rental )
Jason = 6.5 ( Rental )

IV. Special Thanks and a Plug:
– Thank you Dorota and Michal from The Netherlands for your $2 per month recurring donation
– Thank you to Felix da kkkkkkkkat and NastyWil for your iTunes reviews
– Check out Joel and Jason’s new podcast: OFF SCRIPT

V. Genre Recommendation Segments

Sci-Fi: Sunshine (2007)

Crime: The Baytown Outlaws (2013)

ANDY’S ABSURD ASSOCIATIONS: Steve Martin’s Two Best Movies:
– Sgt. Bilko (1996)
– My Blue Heaven (1990)

V. Wrap-Up

NEXT WEEK’S MOVIES: The Host and The Place Beyond the Pines (if it’s playing near us)

Links for this episode:

Jason’s new podcast: Movie Stream – a 10-minute weekly podcast that gives you one review of a movie that’s currently streaming on Netflix Watch Instantly

Joel and Jason’s new podcast: OFF SCRIPT

For Jay of the Dead’s Horror Fans out there: Check out Horror Movie, where Jay is re-releasing all 36 episodes of The Weekly Horror Movie Podcast and Horror Metropolis, as well as writing Mini Reviews for all the 2013 horror films that I watch this year.

Follow Movie Podcast Weekly on Twitter: @MovieCastWeekly

Special thanks goes out to singer-songwriter Frederick Ingram and the voice talents of Midnight Corey Graham from The Electric Chair Podcast, Willis Wheeler from the Terror Troop Podcast and Mr. Ron Baird for their help with our recommendation segment intros.

We’d also like to thank The Dave Eaton Element and Dave Eaton himself for the use of his music for our theme song.

If you like what we do here at Movie Podcast Weekly, please subscribe and leave us a review in iTunes. If you want to support the show, we have PayPal buttons in our right-hand sidebar where you can make a one-time donation or you can become a recurring donor for just $2 per month.

You can always contact us by e-mailing Or you can call and leave us a voice mail at: (801) 382-8789. And you can leave us a comment in the show notes for this episode.

Thank you for listening, and join us again next Monday for Movie Podcast Weekly.

8 thoughts on “Movie Podcast Weekly Ep. 026: Olympus Has Fallen (2013)

  1. I finally took some time to tune-in to a few of your Podcast recommendations: Chronicle and 2010: The Year We Make Contact.

    Chronicle was a fun ride. I thought there was a pretty nice blend of humor, thrills, believable characters, and moral conflict. It is definitely my new favorite ‘found footage’ flick (granted, I haven’t seen too many of them). Some of the special effects were a little spotty for me, but I felt it got better as it went along. Either that or I just got so involved that I stopped noticing.

    Man, that scene when the troubled teenager kills the spider was chilling. It was a great lead-in to his later violent antics.

    I look forward to showing this movie to family and friends who have no idea what it is about. I think I will keep my teaser brief: “It is a show about a troubled teenager who begins filming everything.” Maybe it will shock and surprise them the same way it did me. My score: 7.5/10.

    I also enjoyed 2010: The Year We Make Contact. I wasn’t a huge fan of 2001: A Space Odyssey, so I always avoided 2010, thinking it would be more of the same (except worse). I was mostly impressed with this sequel.

    It was great to see Roy Scheider in a movie other than Jaws. I thought he and the rest of the cast did well. I am also glad they went for a more straightforward story. I liked how it built upon ideas of the first film. In fact, I think 2010 makes me like 2001 better (a safer way than doing drugs).

    That being said, I can see why 2010 doesn’t get the love of the original. For me, it was missing that epic feel. I thought it could have been a bit longer, grander. Scheider’s narration didn’t always work for me. It felt like the filmmakers used the narration to emphasize the length of the journey so they could instead speed the narrative along. I wanted Lawrence of Arabia in space I guess.

    All in all, a good recommendation. I do miss these kinds of movies. Science fiction just isn’t what it used to be: 7/10.

  2. Hey Vance,
    Thank you so much for your comments. Literally (and I mean literally) one of the best perks to podcasting is when the listeners write intelligent comments and add to the dialogue about the cinema. You always add value.

    I’m going to read your comment above in our upcoming episode, so we can discuss your thoughts and so people who don’t visit the site can hear your sentiments.

    I wonder if you’d ever consider joining us as a guest for an episode? It’s easy: Just make fun of Andy with us, and you’ll fit right in…

    As always, thanks for listening and for writing!

    • Jason,

      I would love to join a future episode as a guest. I can’t say I have any podcasting experience, but I can talk…and I do love movies.

      I just caught your latest episode (I skipped the G.I. Joe review segment, because I am going to see it this week and don’t want you guys messing with my expectations). Just FYI, I attended grad school with one of your guest hosts, Steven Hernandez. He referred me to your CTS Podcast back in the day.

  3. I agree with you Vance on both films. I enjoy 2010 so much that I do want it to be longer! If you ever get the chance to see it on the big screen – it is amazing on the shots where John Lithgow and his russian partner are crossing over to the Discovery and Jupiter is below them. It just looks huge!

    Thanks for the feedback.


  4. Oh, boy. That introduction is not exactly inviting. And here I was looking forward to spending my upcoming flights and layovers with you guys.

  5. ‘More Jawses’. Karl, that killed me. And then the dead horse sound effect again. I absolutely cracked up in my office. By the way, I’m pumped about listening to the regular crew and Vance on a future podcast episode.


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