Movie Podcast Weekly Ep. 028: A Tribute to Roger Ebert (1942-2013) and Evil Dead (2013)

Evil Dead and Ebert TributeThere was some very sad news this week in the movie community: Roger Ebert died on Thursday, April 4, 2013. So, for Episode 028, Movie Podcast Weekly gives a tribute to Roger Ebert, in addition to reviewing “Evil Dead” (2013). Our special guests for this episode are DAVE BECKER of DVD and BOSS BUTCHER of the Terror Troop horror movie podcast.

And I (Jason) apologize for the absence of our recommendation segments this week. We had planned on giving some great recommendations, but something came up and I needed to cut the show short. Apologies. This segment will be back in full force next week!

I. Intro
II. A Tribute to Roger Ebert (1942-2013)
III. Various Random Movie Topics, Listener Feedback
III. Feature Review: Evil Dead
Ratings for EVIL DEAD:
Jason = 6.5 ( Rental )
Andy = 7.5 ( Buy it! )
Boss Butcher = 9 ( Theater / Buy it! )
V. Wrap-Up


Links for this episode:

Dave Becker’s DVD

Boss Butcher’s Terror Troop horror movie podcast

Boss on Twitter: @BossButcher

Jason’s new podcast: Movie Stream Cast

Follow Movie Podcast Weekly on Twitter: @MovieCastWeekly

We’d like to thank The Dave Eaton Element and Dave Eaton himself for the use of his music for our theme song.

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Thank you for listening, and join us again next Monday for Movie Podcast Weekly.

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