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In this wacky installment of Movie Podcast Weekly, Andy calls in to the show from (almost literally) the top of the world — Prudhoe Bay, Alaska! Most of the photos in Episode 194’s show notes here pertain to Andy’s travels. We bring you four Feature Reviews of Now You See Me 2 and Warcraft and The Conjuring 2 and Love & Friendship. We also bring you a lengthy debate about the legality and necessity of the movie editing service VidAngel.
If you’re new to our show… Movie Podcast Weekly typically features four hosts — Jason, Andy, Karl and Geek Cast Ry — along with frequent guests. We give you our verdicts on at least one new movie release from the current year that’s currently playing in theaters, as well as several mini reviews of whatever we’ve been watching lately. New episodes release every single week!
I. Introduction
— Andy calls in to the show from the top of Alaska
— Karl reports on his Doobie Brothers concert at Red Rocks Amphitheater
— Don’t miss all the recent podcast releases!
— E-mail from Leigh
[ 0:12:35 ] II. Mini Reviews: Part 1
Karl: Sicario
[ 0:15:50 ] III. Concept Discussion: The VidAngel Debate
— VidAngel.com
— Deseret News article: Four Hollywood Studios Sue Utah Movie Editing Service VidAngel
— See Josh Ligairi’s documentary Cleanflix here
[ 0:41:40 ] IV. Mini Reviews: Part 2
Jason: Seduced and Abandoned (2013), Kevin Hart’s “Laugh at My Pain,” What We Become
Ryan: Game of Thrones: Season 6, Ep. 8 – “No One,” Harry Potter audiobooks narrated by Jim Dale
Andy: Harry Potter audiobooks narrated by Stephen Fry
V. New in Theaters This Past Weekend:
Now You See Me 2
The Conjuring 2
Be Somebody
Dairy of a Chambermaid
Puerto Ricans in Paris
The Music of Strangers
De Palma
[ 1:02:42 ] VI. Feature Review: NOW YOU SEE ME 2 (2016)
Andy = 5.5 ( Low-priority Rental )
Karl = 4.5 ( Stream on Netflix )
[ 1:15:20 ] VII. Feature Review: THE CONJURING 2 (2016)
Jason = 7.5 ( Theater / Rental )
[ 1:26:58 ] VIII. Feature Review: WARCRAFT (2016)
Ryan = 8 ( Theater / Buy it! )
[ 1:40:48 ] IX. Feature Review: LOVE & FRIENDSHIP (2016)
Karl = 3 ( Avoid )
X. Wrap-Up / Plugs / Ending
Thanks to our donors:
Tan Tiong Chye from Singapore
Shonny Constant from Detroit
Leigh from Canada
— MPN Meetup (THIS IS HAPPENING!) — Sept. 15-18, 2016 in Indiana. See the comments below for details!
O’Bryan’s Nine Irish Brothers Pub in West Lafayette, Indiana
On Facebook
Quoted from its website:
“Nine Irish Brothers in West Lafayette is a short walk from Wabash Landing, Purdue University, and downtown Lafayette, Ind. Parking is available in our parking lot and in the parking lot directly across Howard Avenue, via valet service (Thursday – Saturday evenings only), or at Wabash Landing. Nine Irish Brothers validates parking passes from Wabash Landing.”
119 Howard Avenue
West Lafayette, IN 47906
— Brief comments about the tragic Orlando shooting
Episode 195 where we’ll be reviewing “Central Intelligence” and “Finding Dory.” Join us!
Contact MPW:
E-mail us: MoviePodcastWeekly@gmail.com.
Leave us a voicemail: (801) 382-8789.
Follow MPW on Twitter: @MovieCastWeekly
Leave a comment in the show notes for this episode.
Ry’s BIO
Ry’s flagship show: Geek Cast Live Podcast
DONATE here to facilitate the creation of more Geek content!
Blog: Geek Cast Live
Web site: Geek Harder.com
Twitter: @GeekCastRy
Jason recommends supporting: Operation Underground Railroad
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Josh’s links:
Hear Josh named as one of the Top 5 Up-and-Coming Directors on The Film Vault Podcast!
Twitter: @IcarusArts
Josh covers streaming movies on: Movie Stream Cast
Hear Josh on The SciFi Podcast
Hear Josh on Horror Movie Podcast
If you’re a Horror fan, listen to Jason and Josh on HORROR MOVIE PODCAST
We’d like to thank The Dave Eaton Element and Dave himself for the use of his music for our theme song. Buy Dave’s Eaton’s music: BandCamp.com
If you like Movie Podcast Weekly, please subscribe and leave us a review in iTunes. If you want to support the show, we have PayPal buttons in our right-hand sidebar where you can make a one-time donation or you can become a recurring donor for just $2 per month. (Every little bit helps!)
Thanks for listening, and join us again next week for Movie Podcast Weekly.
Hello Podcasting Friends,
Jason (Jay of the Dead) here from Movie Podcast Weekly and Horror Movie Podcast. I’m sending this e-mail to those of the Movie Podcast Network, as well as many other podcasting friends and listeners from over the years.
I have been running my mouth, teasing a podcast get-together for at least four years now, and one of our faithful listeners challenged me to finally make it happen. So, through the organic idiocy that occurs on Movie Podcast Weekly, we have slated a date and a place for this madness to transpire. The first ever Movie Podcast Network Meetup.
Yes, this has been “thrown together,” no doubt half-assed, and certainly not as historically epic as it might have been, but it’s definitely happening, and I would love for you and your co-hosts and your communities to attend. I’m buying my plane ticket this week. Here are the details, roughly…
Ryan Elliott, the People’s Podcaster of Geek Cast Live and MPW, has found our venue and helped me to formulate a working agenda, which is still flexible. You could join us for as little or as much of these events as you wish, but at the very least, Ryan and I will be doing the following together:
Dates: Thursday, Sept. 15 through Sunday, Sept. 18, 2016
Location: Indiana (don’t ask me why — probably because that state has the highest concentration of podcasters that I know personally, so Ron Martin, Jeff Hammer and the other Geek Casters had better join us!)
THURSDAY, Sept. 15: I’m flying into Indianapolis, Ryan tells me, early in the day on Thursday. We’ll catch lunch and perhaps a flick (because that’s the dumb thing we do after flying across the country to hang out with each other). Something about “meeting the locals” and playing shuffleboard. There’s also a pizza place I’m interested in… something with “tomato” in the title.
FRIDAY, Sept. 16: On Friday, Ryan, our local tour guide, tells me we could visit campus, see windmills (and I quote, “the best Ryan’s got” there in Indiana) and we’ll dine at “the best little hole-in-the-wall steakhouse ever.” And we’ll probably see a movie, too, of course. It’s not just a commitment; it’s a lifestyle.
SATURDAY, Sept. 17 (The Meetup Proper): We will enjoy the company of the three to five people who listen to us at a meetup at O’Bryan’s Nine Irish Brothers Pub in West Lafayette, Indiana. Once again, we may try to see a movie with everyone that day (even though nothing will be playing in Indiana in September), and my personal goal is to record some live, in-the-field, podcast gold in person with the wonderful people who attend.
O’Bryan’s Nine Irish Brothers Pub
119 Howard Avenue
West Lafayette, Indiana 47906
SUNDAY, Sept. 18: I will fly back home to SLC and regret all the weird and awkward things I said during the previous three days because I’m actually an introvert masquerading as an extrovert. And I will wonder why it was only Ryan and me who attended…
I hope this few months’ notice enables you all to join us. But if this weekend goes as smoothly as my typical podcasting endeavors always have, then it will probably be the one and only time I ever attempt such a thing. : ) ha ha I can say this much… we will at the very least have one person there from Movie Podcast Weekly, Horror Movie Podcast and Geek Cast Live Podcast. Come and represent!
Please direct specific questions to Ryan Elliott (the local guy) and me at MoviePodcastWeekly@gmail.com and GeekCastRy@gmail.com
And if you want to muse about this generally, as a community, let’s please all “congregate” in the comments section for Movie Podcast Weekly Ep. 194, which I will be posting shortly at, Movie Podcast Weekly .com, where I will also re-post this e-mail.
Thank you! Hope to meet you in person in September!
Jason (Jay of the Dead)
Movie Podcast Weekly
Horror Movie Podcast
Breaking News:
Ron Martin of The Resurrection of Zombie 7 Podcast has confirmed that he will be joining us! Come and meet Ron Martin!
For those of us flying in and unfamiliar with Indiana, what’s the best way to get around? Should I rent a car or is public transportation good enough? There’s also uber but West Lafayete is an hour away from Indianapolis, which I would assume is where everyone will be staying at, so that could get pricey.
How about a brewery tour? Three Floyds Brewery is just an hour away from West Lafayette
Dino? Ry? No cream? Ok no cream.
Three Floyds is a cool place. I’m not a fan of super-hoppy suds, but this place was a riot. I’m not too far from there and occasionally make if over just for their pub fare. I’d recommend it. I’m headin’ to WI this weekend, but if anyone has Q’s about the Chicagoland area, feel free to tweet me. gomez98@gomezsonofgomez There’s plenty I don’t know, but if anyone needs a man on the ground to research something, I’ll do what I can.
I’m down for a trip to Three Floyds.
Car rental is gonna be the way to go. West Lafayette is just under an hour away from Indy to the north west but it’s an easy drive straight up I-65. The Irish pub we will be meetin at is a stones throw away from both a movie theatre and a Hilton Garden Inn.
Well, I’m all booked. See y’all in 2.5 months.
Awesome!!! Barring any unforeseen circumstances, I’m there, homie. So, at least one bozo will be there reppin’ MPW and GCL.
Can’t wait!!!
I added this to my calendar today, so it’s on! I plan on driving in Saturday morning, unless you guys decide to catch a movie Friday night. Driving back home Sunday.
Jason, what’s the general plan on timing for Saturday, with the meet-up, live recording, movie, etc?
And, Ryan, what’s the seediest, most run down, straight-out-of-a-horror movie motel nearby?
That’s right, I said motel, not hotel.
Seedy as it gets….also literally right next to the Irish pub
It’s on the calendar.
Can’t wait.
I will defer to Ryan for the Indiana-based questions. I’m sure he’ll be chiming in here soon.
Hello MPW,
Thank you for another outstanding PODCAST!!! With all four of you back together again.
I was very entertained with VIdAngel discussion and I do like the rating system however most parents do not even pay attention to it anymore as they take their kids to see R movies such as Deadpool just because it is a Marvel movie. It baffles me that parents do not take the time to review what there children are watching or want to see! Why do even have a rating system????
As for last week Jason you are right on about Ben Foster he can do no wrong and is always on his A game. You need to see him in “The Program” about the true story of the rise and fall of Lance Armstrong it is a great movie and he thrives in it!!! You can stream it on Amazon now I highly recommend it and give it a 8.5!
As for your review on NYSM2 I am shocked because I totally agree with Karl and Andy on this one. This movie was a snooze and had a ridiculous story. I gave it a 4 and to avoid.
Now as for GCR I usually agree with his reviews and on this one he is right on the money. I went to see Warcraft on opening night having no idea what the story was about and having never played the game. I really enjoyed it from the story to CGI and the action scenes. I highly recommend it and if you love fantasy movies such as LOTR this is one to see for sure then. It did take me some time to follow along as there are many characters in the movie and just getting use to them and learning there names is hard enough and it doesn’t help that all the Orcs look very similar! Overall I gave the movie an 8 just like GCR. See great minds think alike!
As for Ryan Gosling he is comedy gold and even at a young age he was doing it right from the start in the Mickey Mouse Club. See if you can recognize him in this clip and his famous costar!!!
Also Ryan Gosling’s best movie to me is “Half Nelson” not comedy but so well done!
Since we agreed on this weeks ratings I am curious to see what you guys thought of:
Finding Dory- I am giving it a 7 not as good as the first one but does have some good moments and I did enjoy it.
Central Intelligence- the plot is predictable but the dynamic between Dwayne Johnson and Kevin Hart is off the charts they have great chemistry together and I would love to see them in other movies together. I found myself laughing out loud quite a few times while watching it!! I am giving it a 7.5
I hope you guys agree with me!
Well have a great weekend at the movies.
Thank you
Mario (LOON) Leon
Enjoyed the podcast but I gotta say I love the freestyle coke machines! My movie attendance has skyrocketed now that I can get cherry coke zero….
Totally agree with NYSM2… Walking into it I had low expectations and certainly it disappointed me on so many levels. I can see the 3rd one having a totally new cast.. it must, and perhaps strait to “video”….
When you or anyone are speaking box office results is that USA sales or North America sales?
That really is a creepy van.
Ry – Great review of Warcraft. You really laid out exactly what to expect from it. I can say that I had no interest in seeing it before, but now I think I want to check it out based on your review.
Karl buddy, I gotta call you out. I’ve been streaming HD movies on VidAngel for months now (costs $2 instead of $1). It isn’t VUDU HDX quality, but it is definitely HD.
For me, I’m hoping that VidAngel doesn’t get the ax. It has been awesome to introduce my wife to some films she might not have felt comfortable watching without some filters. And I’ve watched a few I might not watch otherwise also. I’m not a big fan of profanity (and I think I am too big a fan of nudity…so there’s that to also consider when I choose my art…ha ha). VidAngel is awesome because I can really drill down and just filter the bare minimum.
For example, I could watch “13 Hours: The Secret Soldiers of Benghazi” and just filter out one, half, or all the F-words if I felt so inclined. Heck, I could filter out all the Hell’s and damn’s and keep my F-words right where I want them. That’s power my friends. Heck, as a joke I think VidAngel has a filter for Star Wars Episode I where you can edit out all the Jar Jar Binks scenes. Why the heck not?
I don’t buy this whole copyright crap. I buy the digital copy and then I can apply all or no filters to the movie I buy. I’ve never tried Clearplay, but it sounds like the same thing just without the physical copies. What’s the problem?
I don’t understand how I can watch all my favorite death scenes in the movie “Sean of the Dead” on YouTube with some dubbed over audio, but if I want to edit out some profanity from a copy I’ve purchased I get ruled on. It makes no sense.
That’s my two bits.
I’m terrified of flying and I don’t really have the money for airplane tickets and I’m definitley an introvert but I’m so tempted to make the almost 8 hour drive.I love you guys that much…and Ron is my hero!!!
Great episode. I have no comments on the films, as I don’t really have interest in seeing any of them (though I’ll probably catch Now You See Me 2 and Warcraft on Netflix or HBO at some point), but I appreciated the extended VidAngel commentary.
What is with the hatred for the freestyle soda machines?? I’m a Pepsi guy, so I should be averse to the whole thing, but I think it’s a good concept and I like the option of mixing different things together. You’ll need to explain yourselves, guys.
I’ll take this one, Jay, but if I’m misrepresenting you, make sure to set me straight. Eric, as a hater of such machine, I think I know what everyone’s problem with it is. It mixes all of the flavors regardless of your choice, so you’re never really getting the drink you order. For instance, if you wanted to get plain coke and someone before you ordered sprite, you would get a mix of coke and sprite (and whatever remnants of all other flavors ordered earlier day) because it all runs on the same lines. If each flavor got its own line, I would be perfectly happy with the machine, but as it stands, it’s very flawed. I don’t drink soft drinks that often, but when I do, I want what I want.
Eh, I’ve only used those machines a handful of times, but I haven’t experienced that. If I want Coke mixed with cherry and vanilla, that’s what I get.
Trust me, Eric, cherry vanilla is not all you’re getting. But if it doesn’t bother you, great. We really shouldn’t be drinking soda anyway, so maybe this is a good thing after all.
Shouldn’t be? Just ’cause it ain’t good, doesn’t mean it’s all bad.
Haha that’s true. I’m a craft beer drinker myself, so I shouldn’t be talking about vices.
J (and Andy as well- if you’re reading comments in Siberia):
If you haven’t already seen it, I highly recommend the documentary, ‘OJ: Made in America’. It’s likely you’ve already heard raves about it, but I thought I’d throw my hat in the ring as well. I feel fine mentioning it here since it was simultaneously released in some theaters (as well as broadcast on TV), with some critics saying it might be the first ‘made for TV’ doc. which wins an Oscar. It is really a stunning achievement that manages to say as much about the culture that existed in the USA that produced OJ (and still exists, in many ways – some even more pronounced) as it does about OJ himself.
Two things to point out that might be keeping people from watching it:
1) It’s 7.5 hours long. That’s insane, right? And you think before you start, “This will never hold my attention that long”. Well, not only is it mesmerizing and grips you thoroughly – but you actually end up wishing it was even longer in spots.
2) Everything has already been said about OJ and the crime – and the subject has reached the point of saturation, right?. Well, not only was there a ton of stuff that is revealed that I’d never heard before (and I was an adult when the trial happened), but since they examine OJ from the time he was a boy, up through becoming a sports hero, all the way until he was put into prison in Nevada (as well as the history of race relations in L.A. during those periods), the murders of Brown and Goldman are put in a very different context than your average doc/story about the crime itself.
This should be required viewing from all Americans; I call it a must-see: 9.5/10.
The Shallows… I really enjoyed this up to a point – beautiful location and cool shots switching between above and below the water, and pretty engaging and tense. But at a certain point it got kind of predictable, and a little cartoonish in terms of the shark behavior. Felt like it might be an 8 for a while, but I ended up giving it a 6.5.
Hi All,
Jay here. I have TWO MPW episodes already recorded and “in the can.” I know this is the latest I have ever been on a release, but I’m kind of in hell right now with a semi-serious medical problem I’m trying to deal with, and my mom visiting this week, my birthday weekend and Fourth of July, blah, blah. Whine, whine… ha ha.
Don’t worry, y’all. I haven’t forgotten you: Ep. 195 is almost finished and Ep. 196 is just waiting in line for editing.
As always, thanks for your patience.
Much love,
P.S. And today is my wife’s birthday… : )
Jason have no worries get well soon!!!
Don’t worry about the show J, just get well. You must steel yourself in preparation for the wonderful and adventurous journey you have ahead of you to the Midwest in September!!
Now need to apologize Jay….We will all be here waiting as always…
I’m 3/4 of the way through Green Room and my mind is blown!!!
My top 5 movies of the year so far…
1. Green Room
2. Deadpool
3. 10 Cloverfield Lane
4. Everybody Wants Some
5. The Shallows
J, I hope all is well, or gets well soon. No rush on the podcast. In the meantime, Dino and I can finally do our non-cinema-hating Weekly Movie Podcast.
Independence Day: Resurgence was a movie that I saw where things happened and aliens did stuff and I didn’t really care too much. 5.5
So sorry I went dark for a while there… More episodes coming, of course! But here’s the next one: