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Welcome to Movie Podcast Weekly, Episode 080! We’re only 20 shows away from hitting Episode 100, so please leave us some feedback on what kind of bash you’d like to hear from us for that show. But for this episode, we’ve brought back The Wild Man himself, WILLIS WHEELER to help us review “Captain America: The Winter Soldier.” We also bring you reviews of “Bad Words,” “Blood Ties” and “Nymphomaniac: Vols. I & II.”
Movie Podcast Weekly typically features four hosts (and frequent guests), who give you their verdict on at least one new movie release that’s currently in theaters, mini reviews of what they’ve been watching lately and specialty recommendation segments. New episodes release every single Monday.
I. Intro
— Welcome special guest Willis Wheeler
— Movie-related April Fool’s Day pranks
— New Robert Duvall movie trailer: “A Night in Old Mexico”
II. Mini Reviews:
Willis Wheeler: Wrestlemania XXX, TV Shows: Hannibal, The Walking Dead, Arrow, The Bates Motel
Josh: The Adventures of Tintin, Cowboys & Aliens
Andy: House of Cards Season 2
Jason: Michael Jackson: The Life of an Icon
Karl: Noah, The Last Days on Mars, Flyboys, Book: Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep?
Jason: 6.5 ( Theater / Rental )
Willis Wheeler: 9.5 ( Theater / Buy it! )
IV. Feature Review: BAD WORDS (2014)
Andy: 7.5 ( High-priority Rental )
V. Feature Review: BLOOD TIES (2014)
Jason: 8 ( Very Strong Rental )
VI. Feature Review: NYMPHOMANIAC: VOLS. I & II (2014)
Vol. I: 8.5 ( Rental )
Vol. II: 3 ( Avoid )
Both Vols. I & II together: 5 ( Rental )
VII. Wrap-Up
We will be reviewing DRAFT DAY and OCULUS.
Links for this episode:
Richard Roeper’s Most Overrated Movies of All Time
Willis’s plugs:
Willis Wheeler on TV’s Toy Hunter
Terror Troop horror movie podcast
Cinema Beef Podcast
On Twitter: @NastyWillDC
Willis On Facebook
Willis on the NFW Movie Commentary Podcast (mostly horror-related)
Check out Book Review Podcast
Horror Movie Podcast Ep. 013: The Hills Have Eyes (1977) and The Hills Have Eyes Part II (1984) and Discovering Grade Z Horror Movies
NEW! Remember to add Movie Podcast Weekly to your Stitcher playlist here: Stitcher.com
Follow Movie Podcast Weekly on Twitter: @MovieCastWeekly
Jason and Josh, especially for horror fans: Horror Movie Podcast
Josh covers streaming movies: Movie Stream Cast
We’d also like to thank The Dave Eaton Element and Dave Eaton himself for the use of his music for our theme song.
Special thanks goes out to singer-songwriter Frederick Ingram and the Blue Claw Philharmonic for the use of their music and the voice talents of Midnight Corey Graham from The Electric Chair Podcast, Willis Wheeler from the Terror Troop Podcast and Spike Real for their help with our recommendation segment intros.
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Thank you for listening, and join us again next Monday for Movie Podcast Weekly.
Jason, I LOVE Caveman!
WWE Network didn’t fail me this weekend. I’ve never purchased Pay Per Views because of the high cost, but I did pay up front for the six-month commitment so that I can get the PPV every month and then, all of the historic programming. And I was amazed to see that the streaming did not fail for us during the show on Sunday. It was a blast.
And Captain America was a 9.5. It wasn’t dumb, and I think it found the right balance of story and action. I was pulled in and my 11 year old started to get just a bit bored, which means it was maybe more on the grown up side. And Jay, I nearly agree with you about the action and the way it was shot. It verged on too much in regards to the shaky cam, but it wasn’t Elysium where I couldn’t see ANYTHING.
And Josh, I noted to myself during your Nymphomaniac review that you are skilled at telling the story of what happens during a film and I plan on working on that myself so that I can increase my skills. It was great, and you made me interested in a film I have no plans on seeing. Good job.
“… you made me interested in a film I have no plans on seeing. Good job.” Now, that’s funny.
I agree with Willis, Jay. The movie was not dim at all. At no point in the movie did I ever think that The Winter Solider was too dark. On the contrary, most of the movie takes place during the day, so I’m not sure what it is that you’re referring to Jay. About the action being too fast, I guess that depends on your taste and amount of exposure to action films. I love action movies and personally, I think the action is pretty much pitch perfect. There are a few quick cuts here and there that bothered me, but they were few and far in between. But other than that, the action is top notch. I love the way that cap’s shield was incorporated more into his fighting style, and in a more organic way, which helped take the fight sequences to the new level. The espionage tone of the movie was nice though if you’re looking for a serious, sleek, intelligent, sophisticated spy movie along the lines of Three Days of the Condor, you’ll likely be disappointed. Having said that, even with the spy elements not being great, the themes that it touched upon were relevant and handled with just enough care that it all worked well both within the Marvel universe and in real life. Overall I give The Winter Solider a 9 and I think your rating of 6.5 is criminally low, Jason
i think jay forgot to take his sunglasses off. or maybe put two 3D glasses to have that ‘extra 3D’ effect.
Actually if Jason saw it at Megaplex at Thanksgiving Point – I can see what may have happened. As good as those theaters are there have been a couple of times that I’ve had to bring to the manager’s attention that the bulb in the projector needed to be replaced and I asked for a raincheck.
@Levi and Juan (and of course, Willis):
I’m sensing a little “Lego Movie” hyperbole in these excessively high ratings. Let’s not get carried away here, Fellas. It was good and everything, but …
Judging solely in terms of the action movie genre, if Cap. 2 is a 9 or 9.5 on a 10-point scale, then how does that allow you to sufficiently distinguish between superior action flicks like “The Dark Knight” or “Die Hard”? Would I watch Cap. 2 again? Probably not. At least, I wouldn’t seek it out, but I’d certainly watch it again if it were on TV or my friends rented it.
And for me, honestly, a 6 and 6.5 doesn’t equate to 60% or 65% on a grade school report card scale. A 6 or 6.5 is an “average, solid, good movie.” Or in other words, the 6 and 6.5 range (for me) equates to the top (or most commonly occurring area) of a standard Bell Curve or normal distribution; whereas, 0.5’s and 10’s are outliers… And I just wouldn’t call “Captain America: The Winter Soldier” an outlier (but I would call it a good movie).
I understand that it doesn’t fall on the grade school card scale. But honestly, this Cap movie might be on Dark Knight level for me. And I looooove that one.
I really do think this new Cap is that good and will more than likely end up one of my favorite movies of the year. And I don’t own Iron Man 3 or the first Captain America, which was good but a bit overlong and flat in the middle. I don’t tend to rate so high, but this was really good stuff!
I don’t fault you for falling in the 6 range for most movies you watch, but you love The Uninvited, which in my honest opnion is a turd. I loved Tale of Two Sisters but the remake just stunk to high heaven.
Wow! OK. I didn’t realize it was on “The Dark Knight” level for you.
But regarding “The Uninvited” (2009)… how did you feel that BillChete, Midnight Corey, Dr. Shock and Terror Tovey all rated that movie a 9 out of 10 and each said Buy it? Does that make you doubt your feelings? ha ha
Personally, I think they were all too high on that one myself. I think they worked themselves up into a rating frenzy. But I rated “The Uninvited” a 7.5 (out of 10) and called it a definite Rental.
But seriously, Levi, I could see where someone might not go along with its surprises, because, let’s be honest: It cheats.
Okay, it’s been awhile since I heard that show. I mistakenly thought you had rated it a 10!
I’m relieved.
Also, I think they were all way too high on that one and now that you mention it, I seem to remember that you brought up the cheating aspects of the film.
The Uninvited is ok, it’s better than average, it’s a 6, maybe a 7. Captain America is a far superior film on every level. There shouldn’t even be a debate about it.
I’m going to see Cap soon. I’ll also tell you if you’re wrong Jay. But it seriously destroys me inside every time I hear Avengers mentioned as the best Marvel movie. I do not see the appeal, fan boy fodder sure. Great film? Nah. Completely nonsensical plot and more interplanetary stock aliens to fight.
I’m not sure if I’ll rate it as the best Marvel movie, but it’s definitely great and it’s the most fun. I’ll probably end up watching it the most out of all of them.
Like John McEnroe once said: You cannot be serious?! Jason Pyles! Really?! I cannot imagine anyone in this world not leaving the theater in utter joy, with a smile from ear to ear, talking about their favorite scenes and their favorite references, and singing “Everything is awesome” after having seen The Lego Movie. But I guess anything can happen in this crazy world…
I would totally send in my review for Cap America should i know 3 of you didn’t see it…
but I didn’t want to steal Andy’s job…:)
anyway, Cap America TWS is the best comic book movie for some long time. baring the avengers, this one stands out better than ironman all episodes, Thor 1 + 2 together and the new spiderman reboot. it is fun and it is interesting for the 2+ hours. I was satisfied at the end, i stood up and walked out without finishing the credit. damn. now i need to go back and see it again.
there are cheesy part… the evil organisation from both side of the fence are over-used plot tool. and Cap America still has the single-dimension personality, wanting to do the good things; and some bits and pieces are just coming too easy – like that jet pack for falcon… delivered by fedex? I did laugh at that part…
what makes it interesting is Cap – he is not that invincible. he still fight with guns, and can be hurt and you feel the danger through-out the action scenes. Cap also has very good shield moves this time around , they really tried to make that shield relevant and it worked.
to Jason, we need to talk. is there any reason you give pacific rim 7/7.5 and give this one 6.5? come over here and grab a chair.
Touché. You may have me there… But honestly, the reason I rated “Pacific Rim” an 8 ( Theater / Buy it! ) and “Captain America: The Winter Soldier” a 6.5 ( Theater / Rental ) is because I simply had a lot more fun watching the former. We’ve seen Cap. 2 many times, but “Pacific Rim” is a rarer type of gem.
I think you have some strong response from the listeners for your rating and comments for CapA… and I think that is a good thing right?
you also admit yourself that the second time viewing Pacific Rim you found it rather slow and not that fun. maybe it was the company who you went to the movie with ? and if you really had issue with the projection in the theatre then you might need to watch the movie again, or wait for that ‘Pre-Order” DVD comes out, becasue I agree with willis and other readers – the screen was not dark and the action was clear. it is actually the best shaky camera/editing i have seen in a long time. much better than Jason Bourne’s vomiting induction experience.
I’m curious what Josh’s thoughts on Blue Is The Warmest Color were? Cause his thoughts on Part 1 and Part 2 of Nymphomaniac echo my thoughts on Chapter 1 and Chapter 2 of Blue Is The Warmest Color. Not in his exact feelings, but I thought the first half was an amazing look at real issues high schoolers that are struggling with their sexuality face, but then the second part just didn’t offer much in my opinion. If I had only seen the first half it might have made my top 10 even. Oh and you were asking my thoughts on The Broken Circle Breakdown, I’d give it a 9.5, it made my top 10 of 2013.
That’s an interesting point regarding Blue is the Warmest Color. I haven’t reviewed it on the show yet, so I won’t give my rating, but I will say that both parts of Nymphomanic are far darker and more disturbing than Blue, and although Nympho Part 1 only has a few moments of “hardcore” sexuality, Part 2 is full of graphic imagery and Von Trier’s films are way more sexual as a whole. I didn’t want to give the wrong impression that sexuality wasn’t pervasive as an overall theme of Nympho–IT IS–but the graphic moments are few in Part 1 and I’d say that porn certainly isn’t the intent. It’s not as though people who love porn are absolutely going to love this movie. It is an art film with BIG ideas and PAINFUL scenes. In fact, a great quote from Von Trier cam out of Cannes that I feel legitimizes the use of the graphic sexual scenes from a narrative and thematic perspective, when he simply said that “Sex is too serious to be left to the porn industry.” With which I agree. The final result, however, is that I leave Blue feeling as though I’ve seen a realistic portrait of a life and I leave Nympho feeling as though I’ve as a brutal debate of morality inside a vehicle designed to push the boundaries of the art form. Both have their place, in my opinion, but neither are for general audiences and Nympho is way more challenging than Blue.
Well guys u know Jason taste in movies are pretty bad , he does like insidious you know . And a 6.5 is an d in my book so boo on you lol . That is why they have me on the podcast for comic book movies because is very out of touch with the whole comic book thing
and across the broad people are liking cap2 just like the Lego movie before it . U know the tin man has no heart lol . Just messing with u jay
having you on the podcast for comic book movies is the, the right thing to do, willis.
OK, Smart Guy. Tell me, is this real: http://bit.ly/R4QPOQ
And if so, what is this all about? Why are they doing this? And how? I could see a documentary, maybe, but not a narrative telling. What do you know about this?
Also: I’m very sad about James Brian Hellwig. He was my favorite.
Jason, that’s obviously a fake. I’m not familiar with the website, but judging from that article, it’s probably a satire news site like The Onion.
I love comics. But Willis… You’re too easy on them. But for some reason, far too hard on those that aren’t even out yet. Also I believe in original comic continuity over newer incarnations. But I realize film is different than comics, so I’m fine with screenwriters taking the same liberties that writers of newer story arcs do. Why must everything follow a comic book storyline? All that matters is that the essence of the character remains intact, IMO.
Willis does tend to go too easy on comic book movies, but then again, the rest of the crew is too harsh on them. I’d go as far as saying that they look down on them. I don’t get why.
@Juan: I obviously agree with you about Willis, and I might say Andy (and often Josh) look down on comic book movies. But Karl ranked “Transformers” as the No. 1 movie of 2007! As for me, I love comic book movies — the good ones, that is — but I still think it’s important to keep the broad spectrum of cinema in perspective. Not all genres are created equal.
Not all genres are created equal? What do you mean? So what’s the hierarchy of genres according to you Jason? What genre is the one to rule them all? And does this hierarchy of yours affect the way you score a movie? If, let’s say, action is a lesser genre than horror in your mind, does that mean that even the best action movies cannot reach the heights of a good horror movie? Movies are so much more than just a genre, and in a best case scenario, they even manage to transcend genres to become something special. How can you say that The Shining is better than The Godfather or that Pulp Fiction is better than Taxi Driver based on what genre they fall in? I believe any movie can achieve great success and is only limited by how ambitious and well executed the movie is.
For instance, the Disaster Movie genre is not known for producing high-quality or critically lauded cinema. And for instance, an action flick is always going to have a much higher budget than a mumblecore film.
So, my point is, it makes sense that you might sense from us “a certain kind of attitude or regard” for superhero comic book movies, versus the way we react to other genres. We regard them differently because they’re apples and oranges. : )
Woah, don’t bring me into this, Jason. I don’t look down on comic book movies as a rule. I just don’t like very many of them. I love a GOOD comic book movie and I’m very much looking forward to seeing Cap.
Amen, Hammer! Willis utterly refuses to recognize that comic books and films are two different mediums: He’ll often excuse deficiencies in the films when he feels that the missing link has previously been established in the comics.
But as I’ve said many times, this is problematic because regardless of a movie’s source material, it needs to stand on its own as an independent work of art, without depending on supplemental material to make it work.
Well to hammer am hard on things that need to be changed like the new f.f movie that is not make Johnny and sue storm blood brother and sister , making them really young for no reason at all , and fox studios themselves have really been more misses then hits with their marvel movies . And the marvel studios movies that also headed by people that also work very closely with the comic book writers of marvel comics , I as fan of both movies and comics , i like when they keep close with the source , that shows respect to the history of the comics and that is why now marvel studios now the highest grossing genre in movie history now . So now have proof that am right in my points I bring up on the podcast .
Okay, again I think the essence of the characters is what matters and you seem to be saying that either 1) Adoptive siblings aren’t capable of having the exact same relationship that Sue and Johnny have or 2) that a black man and a white woman somehow can’t have that same sibling relationship. Either of which I consider false. But to your point of respecting the original work. I agree but you don’t mind letting the writers on the Ultimates lines change the continuity, so here’s where I say “if those guys can make Gwen Stacy get killed by anyone other than Green Goblin, then I don’t give a damn if a screenwriter decides to have webbing come straight from Peter’s wrists.” The Death of Gwen Stacy is one of the most important moments in the history of comic books, it should really never have been written differently. Also, you should have equal respect for the cinematic history of Marvel Comics and understand that Fox’s X-Men was really influential in making Marvel what it is today. X-Men opened the door, Spider-Man swung through it and Marvel hasn’t looked back.
Blade was the one to open the doors for marvel not xmen .
Incorrect. 90% of the general public had no idea that Blade was a comic book.
They know what’s up. #2 most important super hero movie of all-time… X-Men, had it bombed, Marvel might not have ever made another film. http://whatculture.com/film/5-most-important-superhero-movies.php/4
Blade was the beginning of the way we view comic books in film. Without Blade, there would be no X-Men of Spiderman. Blade still holds up today, and is one of my favorites. Read this Forbes article….provides great insight on comic flims. http://www.forbes.com/sites/scottmendelson/2013/08/21/when-blade-began-the-spider-man-era-of-comic-book-films/
Comics and films are two different mediums, but at the same time, if a studio is making a comic book film, shouldn’t the studio try to capture the essence of the comic in the film?
Captain America: The Winter Soldier is by far the best Marvel Comics film to date, and I agree with the comment above that it is on The Dark Knight level. And I absolutely love The Dark Knight.
Willis is passionate about the films and comics because he, like a lot of fans who have grown up with comics, want to see the interpretation from the books come to life. And to be honest there are some films that just fail to do so. Not to say those films are bad, they just don’t capture that essence. It might be the littlest thing, like organic web shooters, or a weird metal Green Goblin mask.
I am an avid lover of comics and the films, but there are films that I thought were good when they come out, and now when I watch them, I think they are absolutely horrible. Marvel Studios is doing amazing work, and the other studios producing Marvel related films, miss the mark sometimes.
Double H!!! Good to see you on here, buddy! Can’t wait to see Cap. I tried to see it tonight in Vegas, but I was out shooting too late.
Hi HH.
I’m a comic book fan and I don’t mind it when directors take liberties with the characters or stories. The way I see it, the same way every artistic team (writer, penciller) brings their vision to any given series, a movie director brings their own vision to the big screen. And if they miss the mark like you say, then so be it. It’s not like all the comics out there are gems anyway.
Hey Josh,
What’s been going on brother? You definitely need to get out to watch Cap…I don’t think you will be disappointed. We need to catch up…DRIVE-IN!!! HAHA…
Juan…You are right, not all comics are gems, but shouldn’t the essence of characters and the stories that have come before be an important part in the making of the films? Comic book films don’t have to miss the mark, but there are a few that do. Take Superman Returns, Bryan Singer and the screenwriters completely destroyed that franchise. Brandon Routh was brought in to play Christopher Reeve and not Clark Kent/Superman. There was a lot wrong with that story, and it damaged the franchise really bad. Being a life long comic fan, I just have certain expectations going into the films. And to be honest, I enjoy most comic books, even the not-so-great ones. But alas, to each his own…
Hammer u are using a website that nobody seen before . If u look at any comic book movie docs in the last few years or some really good comic book podcasts they will tell that blade was the one to open up the doors for marvel and the one to bring back comics book movie too the forefront again because the studios because batman and robin killed it . Go listen to Kevin Smiths fatman on batman podcasts . Even on Wikipedia it’s says the fame thing .
Haddonfield Hatchet! Wow! Thanks for gracing our comment boards with your feedback, Brother. Allow me to respond:
When you write “capture the essence,” I agree with that. But capturing “the essence” of something is different from replicating it exactly.
I love comic book movies — or at least, I want to. I’m not down on comic book movies… I think what people pick up on is my strong resistance to Willis’s lavish overpraise and unconditional love for every comic book movie. I resist that because I don’t want to give every movie a pass, just because I love its genre. How is that healthy for improving and developing the genre?
If we just accept every comic book movie (strictly because it’s a superhero movie), then that genre will eventually suffer the same fate as what I call “Redbox horror movies.” 98% of the low-budget, indie horror at Redbox sucks.
And I’m a detail man, as well. For instance, I love for the superhero costumes to look like we’re used to seeing them in cartoons or comic books. I loved Cap’s costume best in this most recent movie when he had to borrow his old-school, bright colors look from that museum exhibit.
But where my real sticking point is (with Willis especially), is when we’re supposed to be OK with points that a film doesn’t cover simply because “we should know that already from reading the comics.” A movie should be able to stand on its own — and not require supplemental information to make it work, even if it’s an adaptation.
Thanks for writing, Buddy.
Jay, it’s fine to see different movies in different lights. Like you said, it’s apples and oranges. But, there’s a difference in approaching movies from a different angle and assigning movies with a certain stigma because of what their subject matter is. Did The Dark Knight not prove that movies based on comics can be elevated? Now, I’m not saying that The Winter Soldier is in the same league as TDK, and I’m not asking you to increase your score on it. I’m just asking for a little more objectivity, because it seems that whenever you review a comic book movie, you lower your score automatically. And Jay, I’m not attacking you here, I’m just trying to create some dialogue here
Very solid points here, Juan.
Hi Juan,
I love the lively debate. I know you’re not attacking me. You’re like my Josh Ligairi (aka my Nemesis) of the comment boards! ha ha.
I’m not sure you get me… Honestly, I agree with everything you wrote in your latest comment, except for two points: 1. Reviewing with “a little more objectivity…”
Film scholar Jim Emerson, who writes for the Scanners blog on Roger Ebert.com, wrote: “…there can be no such thing as “objective” criticism of art or entertainment — which is inherently subjective.” So, complete objectivity in film criticism is a myth. We all bring a history of experiences to the table that colors our perceptions of every film we see.
And the second thing I disagreed with was your suggestion that I lower my score automatically for a comic book movie. This is far from true for me. I’m the most hopeful critic I know, because I want (and yearn) for movies to be good. I don’t want movies to suck or be subpar; I want them all to be 10’s! I hope all comic book movies are 10 (because I actually love them — especially if they’re good).
No, I don’t dock a movie simply for its genre. No way. I don’t believe in that.
Some of my critic friends who rate on a scale (like BillChete for instance), start out with a 10 for every movie and then knock off points as they watch.
Not me. That’s not what I do (because I don’t think it’s realistic to expect every movie to be 10’s — that’s setting yourself up with expectations, which leaves you vulnerable to disappointment, and therefore, makes you more likely to give harsher ratings. It’s unfair to start there to me.). Again, as above, I HOPE every movie is a 10, but I don’t expect it.
I actually start (in my head) with the expectation that every film is a “6,” which on my own personal scale, is an average, good movie. It’s the standard. Then when I see greatness, it climbs up the scale from 6. When I see mediocrity, it falls down my scale from 6.
But how could I ever expect you or anybody to know that about me? … I don’t. Because I don’t think I’m always “right” (like Josh does, ha ha ha). I just think I have a take, or a subjective opinion.
And where I’m useful to people like you (and any other critic is useful) is when you’ve assessed where my ratings are in relation to yours. For example, almost anytime Josh gives a rating, I can safely assume my rating will be 2 points lower than his. So, he’s a useful film critic for me to help me gauge how I’ll probably feel about a movie. Make sense?
So, when I rate a comic book movie, then it sounds like you can assume your rating will be, what, like 3 points higher?
Thanks for writing (and for reading this) and for listening.
To Andy, how does bad words compare with identity thief or Horrible bosses or The switch ?
@Que – “Bad Words” is a little darker than “Identity Thief,” and doesn’t have the physical comedy that I.T. had. “Bad Words” is uncouth and irreverent, but it isn’t driven by the absurdities that you typically see in comedies (i.e. chasing cars, stepping on rakes, getting hit in the tenders, etc.). I don’t recall whether I’ve seen “The Switch”, so if I have, it didn’t leave much of an impression one way or the other.
I think Jay is right. The boat scene at the beginning is very dark. I didn’t notice anything after that though. The movie is fine. I don’t see the film being as solid as everyone says though, but I don’t think The Dark Knight is that solid either. I think Cap’s plot is just reasons to move from action set piece to action set piece. HH and Willis are wrong about Blade vs. X-Men, you can give Blade some credit but it’s success was based on an action film with a vampire hunter, few non comic fans knew it was a comic movie. It wasn’t important as a comic movie. Nobody was using optic beams or adamantium claws. X-Men proved super-powered beings and teams of them could translate to the screen.
No idea why this ended up here Jay. My bad.
Did u read the article that hh wrote . It forbes , and on wikiapade the says the same thing about blade .
guys, oh guys guys, why did you not go and see dom Hemingway?
i just saw it. and u should go see it right now. right, now.
We did manage to review 5 NEW MOVIES this week, Que! Give us a break, man. Karl, Andy, and I all have other jobs. And Jason goes out of his way to see the most mainstream film each week so that it will be helpful to the largest number of our listeners.
oh josh please dont take this the wrong way… it is just that i saw it and got very excited and wish i could share with u guys.
I will definitely be trying to see that one. Send us your rating and recommendation and we’ll read it on the same episode.
Hi Que!
Thanks for letting us know that Dom Hemingway is one to see. I was curious about it. I never seek out Jude Law movies, but he always seems to give good performances. Unfortunately, I don’t think it was playing in theaters around here. But now it’s on my list! : )
per Josh’s request I just wrote some quick review and emailed to you. hopefully that will make the movie sound more interesting and ensure you will look for it…
also please share it with Josh (well I know you would anyway) if he doesn’t have access to the email.
I don’t like all comic book movies u wrong on that one . It just that the last few marvel studios movies been really good . I know I don’t like the green lantern movie , the first wolverine movie , I don’t like the dark night rises , the first hulk . Its many I don’t care for , so to say I love all of them is not true .