Movie Podcast Weekly Ep. 013: Jack Reacher (2012) and This Is 40 (2012)

Merry Christmas! Today is Christmas Eve of 2012. This week we have a double-feature review for you of “Jack Reacher” and “This Is 40,” with special guests “WOLFMAN JOSH” LIGAIRI, the co-director of Cleanflix, and we also welcome screenwriter / producer WILLIAM ROWAN JR.

I. Intro
II. Topics We Need to Discuss:
Cleanflix currently streaming on Netflix Watch Instantly
— Re-releasing older movies in theaters again
— Listener Feedback and Donations
— Karl’s Mini Review: The Guilt Trip
— What Else Is New in Theaters This Week

III. Feature Review JACK REACHER
Ratings and Recommendations:
Jason = 7 ( Rental )
Karl = 7.5 ( Theater / Rental )

IV. Feature Review of THIS IS 40
Ratings and Recommendations:
Joshua Ligairi = 8 ( Theater / Rental )
William Rowan = 7.5 ( Theater / Buy It! )

V. A Few Uncommon Christmas Movie Recommendations:
Joshua Ligairi: The Ref (1994), Trapped in Paradise (1994), Rare Exports (2010)
William Rowan: Die Hard (1988)
Karl: Catch Me If You Can (2002), Love Actually (2003)
Jason: Joyeux Noel (2005)
VI. Wrap-Up

NEXT WEEK’S MOVIE: Django Unchained with special guests Dave “Dr. Shock” Becker and “Wolfman Josh” Ligairi

Links for this episode:

Wolfman Josh:
Find “Cleanflix” at this link or stream it on Netflix Watch Instantly
Josh’s Web site:
Josh’s documentary podcast: The Documentary Blog Podcast
Josh’s horror podcast: Land of the Creeps
Gary the Unicorn comedy skits: On Facebook
Josh on Twitter: @IcarusArts

William on Twitter: @GalanoPro

Considering the Sequels Podcast episode about: Cleanflix

Follow Movie Podcast Weekly on Twitter: @MovieCastWeekly

We’d also like to thank The Dave Eaton Element and Dave Eaton himself for the use of his music for our theme song.

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Thank you for listening, and join us again next Monday for Movie Podcast Weekly.

3 thoughts on “Movie Podcast Weekly Ep. 013: Jack Reacher (2012) and This Is 40 (2012)

  1. An interesting note on Jack Reacher, cause you were talking about how Tom Cruise “still has it”, is that Tom hurt his foot kicking one of his co-stars in the testicles. Apparently they had to redo this scene many times and in the process he hurt his foot. If Tom hurt his foot shooting the scene so many times I would hate to see the other guy 🙂

    Here is the contents of the article:
    Tom Cruise damaged his foot while filming ‘Jack Reacher’ by kicking a co-star in the testicles.

    The 50-year-old actor – who famously does the majority of his own stunts in his movies – has revealed the ”worst injury” he sustained working on his latest film came when his foot was left swollen after shooting the gonad-busting scene over and over again.

    Speaking to U.S. TV talk show host Jimmy Fallon, he said:

    ”There’s a scene where I’m kicking a guy in the balls, the testicles.

    ”It was a human being, [but] no testicles were injured in the making of the film! We had to do the take over and over again, and the first 10 times it was like, ‘Yeah!’

    ”After about 50 times in, my foot was swelling … I kept having to loosen my shoe.”

  2. Thanks for the shout-out!

    Admittedly, I am probably too in love with Jackson/Tolkien’s Middle Earth to really access the film’s character development without bias. The dwarf characters were good enough for me, but I probably could have just watched Ian Holm’s Bilbo narrate at his desk for half the movie and still have been thrilled. Extended edition here I come!

    I am interested in checking out Jack Reacher. I was hoping to get my crime drama fix earlier this year with Alex Cross, but I saw all the negative reviews and decided to pass (did any of you catch that one?). Jack sounds much more promising.

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