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In this epic, 2 hour and 18-minute episode, Jason talks with horror critics Jamie Jenkins and Midnight Corey about “Paranormal Activity 4.” Typically we try to keep our episodes between 60 to 70 minutes in length, but we were just having so much fun talking about movies, we lost track of time. Apologies for any inconvenience, but we think you’re going to love this episode.
JAMIE JENKINS is a host on Devour the Podcast (a horror movie show) and Evil Episodes (a horror TV podcast). Jamie can also be found at Horrorphilia.com. You can find the Viscera Film Festival here. And this is where you can view Jamie’s short film: “Secret Shopper.”
MIDNIGHT COREY is the host of The Electric Chair (horror movie audio and video podcast). He runs an entertaining Web site called Midnight Corey.com, where you can also find his original music. Corey was the featured songwriter guest on The Songwriting Podcast, Episode 5. And here are links to some episodes of The Electric Chair that we mentioned during this podcast:
Corey, Jamie and Jason on “Trollhunter”: Episode 006: Operation Sweet Death
Corey, Jamie and Jason on “Day of the Dead”: Episode 011: Acting on Instinct
Most recent episode: Episode 026: The Green Man
I. Intro
II. Mini Reviews
Jason: El Mariachi (1992), From Dusk Till Dawn (1996), Warrior (2011)
Jamie Jenkins: Trick `r Treat (2007)
Midnight Corey: The Something Weird Video Collection, Charles Band and Evil Bong (2006), Pot horror films, Taken 2 (2012)
Ratings and Recommendations for PARANORMAL ACTIVITY 4
Jason = 3 ( Avoid )
Jamie Jenkins = 5 ( Rental )
Midnight Corey = 7 ( Rental )
IV. Trailer Talk:
Hansel & Gretel: Witch Hunters
Red Dawn
Seven Psychopaths
V. Wrap-Up
Other Links:
Follow Movie Podcast Weekly on Twitter: @MovieCastWeekly
Jason’s Podcast on NBC’s “Revolution”: Podcasting Revolution
We’d also like to thank The Dave Eaton Element and Dave Eaton himself for the use of his music for our theme song.
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Thank you for listening, and join us again next Monday for Movie Podcast Weekly.
GREAT show Jay, loving it, love the longer time, I know I’ll probably want to talk your ear off when I’m on, so I’ll try not to. Not even done with the show, but I wanted to chime in. Trick ‘R Treat is certainly the go-to Halloween film for atmosphere. I would come in slightly lower than you all though, there’s a bit of a lack of conflict at times, still very good. We’re covering it for Zombie Reckoning on Halloween. I want to chime in on number ratings. I respect Jamie’s opinion and think she’s great (I’ll be listening now) but the thought of critics or reviewers is sometimes that people won’t read the review if there is a number, I am not sure how true that is, but I know I’m the opposite. If you want me to spend time reading your review, I want you to tell me how it stacks up in some manner to other films. Before I started talking films myself I would never read a review that DID NOT have a number or letter rating of some sort. Forget Pot Zombies, I’m ready for Bath Salt Zombies! I like that Corey tries to think of better endings… I’m reminded of Scream 4, I thought it was obvious that Jill should have been the sole survivor and then gotten hunted by a copycat ghostface causing killer v. killer. I would be stoked for part 5 if it ended that way.
Just finished! Thanks for the shout out Jay. And thanks for mentioning our little “horrorthon” deal. I think it will be really fun and I loved Jamie’s reaction to it. I would love for she and Corey to join if they’re available. It’s looking like it could be really cool, I have at least 6 or 7 others ranging from podcasters to actors and directors who have said they’ll try to join for at least some of the films. You explained it well too, I think it is a little confusing but it should be easy to understand when the time comes.
Hi! Thanks for all the cool stuff you had to say, Hammer. I appreciate you taking the time to comment. Sadly, and I have been doing this forEVER, many people won’t read past the number. Now, my reason for hating that is not that I give a damn whether or not people read my reviews…I honestly couldn’t care less. BUT, people love to: See the number, ignore the review, then bitch at you for the number even though they didn’t bother to find out why you said what you said. I don’t spoonfeed anyone. If you want to hear my opinion, listen for my opinion. If you don’t have the time, move along. It makes no difference to me.
Also, If I can, I definitely want to watch at least a couple of your horrorthon movies. We do this all the time with our listeners/friends and it’s really fun. Just like I said in the show, it almost feels like you’re right there toghether.
Good to know ya! xxx
Thanks Jason for the “Shout Out”. I listened to episodes 3 & 4. This is the first movie podcast I’ve ever listened to. Very informative. I am definitely going to check out “Argo”. I live in Japan and we get movies sometimes six months after they are released in America but I will be on the look out.
Thanks again. Oh, I have visited Midnight Corey.com. He is a very talented songwriter. Blessings!
There’s all types I suppose. Actually, Ron Martin, the host on Zombie Reckoning and Resurrection of Zombie 7 podcasts writes for 411mania.com and he sort of put what you’re talking about to the test. He wrote an article entitled Top 10 Most Overrated Movies, in the first paragraph he stated that the list was entirely fake and that it was an experiment, he then had a countdown at the bottom. A few people got it and gave him good comments, but most just looked at the list and ripped him for including this film or that.
This will sound funny, but “Trick `r Treat” is a little like “Citizen Kane” to me, in that, the more I watch it, the more my appreciation grows for it. “Trick `r Treat” not only holds up to repeated viewings, it actually gets better, hence my shift from my previous 8.5 rating up to 9.5. I can’t wait to hear your review of it for your Halloween episode.
I didn’t take the time to expound on this during the podcast, but I agree that many people simply look for a star or number verdict, and then they go their way, never reading the review. And it’s precisely those people who immediately pass over a review with no such quick-reference rating. So, to me, I guess I’d prefer to have people at least consult my thumbs up or thumbs down type of verdict, than not to consult me at all.
And sometimes, you just want to watch an excellent movie, like, right this minute, without the risk of choosing a dud. So, with a resource like our Ratings Archive ( https://moviepodcastweekly.com/ratings/ ), I envision someone wishing to find a sure-bet, good movie, so they consult our Ratings Archive to find a quick option with high ratings across the board, such as “Looper,” for instance. That’s the idea, at least.
P.S. Your horrorthon is going to be a blast. (Readers, join us: Friday, October 26, at 7 p.m. EDT on Twitter, Netflix Watch Instantly: 7 p.m. EDT – Insidious, 9 p.m. EDT – The House of the Devil, 11 p.m. EDT – Grave Encounters, 1 a.m. EDT – Quarantine 2: Terminal.)
I’ll be tweeting on the horrorthon Friday during Grave Encounters and Quarantine 2: Terminal. I hope you’re around for at least one of those. It’s cool of you to check the comments and respond to listeners of your episode. Thank you. Total pro.
Thanks again for your support. By the way, the release date for “Argo” in Japan is slated for this Friday (tomorrow), October 26. At least, that’s when it hits Japan. I’m not sure when it might reach a theater near you, though. Let us know what you think about it, once you’ve seen it. Thanks for writing.
That little experiment you described above sounds EXACTLY like a Ron Martin move… Hilarious — and very telling. Now we know.
Thanks again for the amazing opportunity to chat with you AND Corey. *mwah*
I hope to at least pop in for Quarantine because it has been in my queue for ages.
I agree. It takes all kinds.
Hi Jamie,
It appeared as though you were live-tweeting a screening of “Halloween” last night while we were watching “Quarantine 2: Terminal.” So, you were still engaged in a worthy cause… As for “Quarantine 2,” eh, there’s really no rush to dig it out of your queue. The characters leave the plane and destroy all the tension. A fatal flaw. It just becomes a lesser version of the first “Quarantine” movie, at that point. I’ll talk more about this during Episode 005.
Thanks for writing.
Great episode, Jason. This was my first time ever hearing Jamie or Corey because I think they’d both left the network before I came on. Fun conversation. I haven’t finished it yet, because I didn’t want to hear spoilers, but the first hour PLUS was good. Just revisited From Dusk Til Dawn and will be re-visiting Trick r Treat again, but I’m actually (oddly) most excited to rewatch Troll Hunter. I had totally forgotten about that film’s existence, and though I was lukewarm on it the first time, I’m actually really jazzed to watch it again.
Also, I just wanted to say Happy Halloween and drop you a link to this little mash-up I made for Halloween last year, which I was reminded of bc of this episode. The video features one of my favorite current bands (Alkaline Trio) covering one of my favorite all-time bands (Misfits) mashed-up with clips from Halloween H2O and a LOT of Trick r Treat. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2NELoeryg9M
Looking forward to hearing what you and Karl thought of Cloud Atlas on the next episode!
Your Halloween video was amazing! (Everybody reading these comments should click the link above.) Very haunting. I love that you used so much of those kids on the school bus. They’re the creepiest part of “Trick `r Treat.” Seeing this made me REALLY want to see a Josh Ligairi horror flick.
“Troll Hunter” is so good. The mere mention of it makes me want to see it again. You should definitely revisit it and give it another shot.
Thanks for writing.