What My Ratings Really Mean

I know rating systems are dumb. But they’re an attempt to quantify some sort of standard of comparison by measuring a critic’s opinions with a sliding scale.

Perhaps every critic feels this way, but I am honestly proud of the way my film rating scores relate to one another. Naturally, I think my ratings are “accurate” in relation to one another and according to my own tastes, but I am not foolish enough to believe that something so subjective as my opinionated value judgment of a film’s quality has any universal relevance or application for anyone. And yet, here I am, taking my ratings and myself way too seriously…

So, that brings me back to acknowledging again that rating systems are dumb. But I don’t care. Here’s what mine means: Continue reading

Written Review: Looper (2012)

by Jason Pyles
Movie Podcast Weekly.com

Premise: In the year 2044, hitmen called “loopers” are hired to execute any unwanted individuals who cross the criminal organizations of 30 years into the future. Time travel exists circa 2074, so victims are sent back in time to present-day 2044, to be disposed of by loopers.

Review: I have known about (and have been mildly anticipating) “Looper” since writer-director Rian Johnson described it during a guest appearance on The /Filmcast a couple of years ago. “Looper” is Johnson’s third feature film — and though I’m in the minority of people who didn’t love “Brick” (2005) or “The Brothers Bloom” (2008), I appreciated the craft evident in those movies. I suspected this talented filmmaker would one day make a film that dazzled me, and I’m happy to report that the day has come. Continue reading